This song was written and recorded in January of 2011, at a time in history that saw a popular people's movement erupt into revolution in Egypt and Tunisia, as well as street protests and demonstrations in Yemen, Bahrain and many other countries.
Even here at home in the U.S., we see injustices all around us and know that our voices continue to be unheard and our needs remain unaddressed.
Now, we don't promote violence, but we do believe in real freedom, and in standing up for what we believe in. For this reason, in solidarity with the worldwide call for human rights, justice and equality, we are sharing this song with as many people as possible.
We hope you will listen, forward and share it, online or in person, with as many people as possible, since history has proven time and time again that a united people with one voice can bring about great change.
Thanks for listening…and Power to the People!
-DJ Earl-E and Prose